Friday, 19 October 2012

Minor Achievements in Training

I had a pretty bad scare last Wednesday, I knew I'd been getting worse for a few days and really shouldn't have pushed myself with that run on the Tuesdays. It's funny with ME how you can feel great one day and think that you can continue to push yourself and then suddenly everything catches up with you.

On the Wednesday I was exhausted, I'd stupidly put my self down for a split shift at work from 7:15-9:15 and then 12:45-5:15 on the same day that I was meant to be training in the evening. I was tired enough in the morning and hadn't slept very well the night before and getting to and from work between shifts made everything so much worse. I felt shaky in the evening and felt so ill after training. My legs went all stiff and achy almost straight away and my time swims were no where near my normal times. It made me realise I really need to take my training slowly and just work on one thing at a time.

The upside of all this is that I've been working on the light weights and am starting to get some tone back in my arms. I really need the strength, it's horrible being too weak to carry things. I've also been doing sit ups and attempting the plank again (I used to be so good at core exercises) and have CYCLED TO WORK this week and done a lot of walking. Only little things but I can feel my self really starting to come along. I know I just have to keep going, bit by bit.

Slow and steady wins the race.

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